News and knowledge

Under news and knowledge, you will find practical articles about our organisation, laws and regulations and financial tips. Here, we also let our colleagues have their say. You will also find information about our upcoming training courses and subscribe to our newsletter.

Customer service

On this page, you will find additional information regarding our services. If you still have questions after reading the available information, please feel free to contact us. We will be happy to help you!

News, tips and regulations

News 4
About Zuyd Group 5
Tips 2
Laws and regulations 0
1 2 3

Frequently asked questions

I need to pay a debt. How can I do this?
You have the option of paying the debt directly via iDEAL. With iDEAL, you can pay online reliably, safely and easily. You pay in the familiar internet environment of your own bank. You can also pay the amount due in cash or by debit card at one of Zuyd Group's locations.
I would like to pay via my own bank?

Want to pay via your own bank?
Please deposit the amount to account number NL02 RABO 0149 66 53 93 in the name of Zuyd Bailiffs and state your case number.

I have a debt and I cannot pay it immediately. What now?
Are you unable to pay by the deadline? Then make a payment arrangement or apply for deferred payment.
Can I receive a payment link?
Rather receive a payment link? Contact us or request a link via whatsapp.
What can I do if I can't get out of debt myself?
If you can no longer see any solutions to pay off your debts yourself, it is wise to seek help. For example, at a credit bank, social work or your municipality. See the Debt Wizard page for more information.
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